FICE Hrvatska sudjelovala na sastanku Eurochild-a u sklopu projekta Reaching In u Bruxelles-u

FICE Hrvatska, kao jedan od partnera projekta Reaching In međunarodne organizacije Eurochild, jučer, 7. prosinca 2023. sastao se s Katarinom Ivanković Knežević, direktoricom za socijalna prava u EU Social i Marie-Cécile Rouillon, koordinatoricom za dječja prava u EU Justice and Consumers kako bi razgovarali o tome kako uključiti djecu iz ranjivih skupina (djecu migrante, djecu iz alternativne skrbi i romsku djecu) u procese participacije djece temeljene na EU Jamstvu za svako dijete

Na sastanku s ostalim partnerima podijelili smo rezultate naših projekata u sklopu projekta Reching In i donijeli zaključke s obzirom na različite perspektive u pogledu ranjivih skupina i nacionalnog konteksta svakog od partnera iz Hrvatske, Bugarske, Španjolske, Portugala i Belgije.

Naše smo zaključke predstavili predstavnicima Europske komisije koji su nam dali izuzetno korisne povratne informacije o tome kako što cjelovitije ostvariti navedena prava djece i poticati sudjelovanje djece.


FICE Croatia, as one of the partners of the Eurochild Reaching In project , yesterday 7 December 2023. met with Katarina Ivanković Knežević, Director for Social Rights at EU Social and Marie-Cécile Rouillon, Coordinator for Children’s Rights at EU Justice and Consumers to discuss how to include children from vulnerable groups (migrant children, children from alternative care and Roma children) in children’s participation processes based on the EU Guarantee

At the meeting with other partners, we shared the results of our projects as part of the Reching In project and made our conclusions with regard to different perspectives regarding vulnerable groups and national contexts of each of the partners from Croatia, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal and Belgium.

We presented our conclusions to representatives of the European Commission, who gave us extremely useful feedback on how to achieve the stated children’s rights as comprehensively as possible and to promote children’s participation.

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