Predstavnice FICE Hrvatska sudjelovale na seminaru u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta My Voice My Choice

Od 22. do 26. veljače naša predsjednica i volonterka koja je ujedno i članica, sudjelovale su na seminaru u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta “My Voice My Choice“. Tema ovog edukacijskog seminara bila je kako postići održiviji način života, proširiti riječ o važnosti brige za okoliš unutar naše zajednice, te uklapanje novih saznanja u naš rad s mladima. Edukatori su bili iznimno motivirani da kroz ovaj seminar ohrabre stručnjake u radu s mladima na poboljšanje sebe i vlastitog rada kako bi poboljšali živote mladih i svijet. Teme radionica uključivale su različite metode podizanja svijesti o održivosti i ekološkim pitanjima kao i o načinima rada s mladima u zajednici i izazovima koje ono nosi, rad na aktivnoj participaciji mladih, učenje o održivoj modi… Kroz 5 dana seminara sudionicima je pružena prilika kroz ove radionice poboljšati profesionalne i osobne kompetencije u području održivosti, znanje o klimatskim promjenama i imati priliku iskusiti rad u prirodi. Također kroz umrežavanje dobivena je mogućnost povezati se s drugim organizacijama koje rade s mladima iz Europe koje su sudjelovale u projektu, što je važno za rast i razvoj udruge. Za predstavnice FICE Hrvatska ovo iskustvo je bilo značajno na osobnoj razini, ali i profesionalnoj razini te će novostečene vještine i znanja prenijeti u svoj svakodnevni rad s mladima.

Projekt “My Voice My Choice“ je financiran iz Erasmus+ programa Europske Unije koji je u Latviji pod nadležnosti Agencije za međunarodne projekte za mlade. Ovaj tekst je doživljaj iz perspektive autora.

#SeminarMyVoiceMyChoice #JSPA #ErasmusPlusLV

From February 22 to 26, our president and a volunteer who is also a member participated in a seminar as part of the Erasmus+ project “My Voice My Choice”. The theme of this educational seminar was how to achieve a more sustainable way of life, spread the word about the importance of caring for the environment within our community, and incorporating new knowledge into our work with young people. The educators were extremely motivated to, through this seminar, encourage youth workers to improve themselves and their own work in order to improve the lives of young people and the world. Workshop topics included various methods of raising awareness about sustainability and environmental issues, as well as ways of working with young people in the community and the challenges it brings, working on the active participation of youth, learning about sustainable fashion… During the 5 days of the seminar, the participants were given the opportunity through these workshops to improve professional and personal competences in the field of sustainability, knowledge about climate change and have the opportunity to experience working in nature. Through networking, it was also possible to connect with other organizations that work with youth from Europe that participated in the project, which is important for the growth and development of the organization. For the representatives of FICE Croatia, this experience was significant on a personal level, but also on a professional level, and they will transfer the newly acquired skills and knowledge to their daily youthwork.

The project “My Voice My Choice” is financed from the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, which in Latvia is under the jurisdiction of the Agency for International Projects for Youth. This text is an experience from the perspective of the author.

#SeminarMyVoiceMyChoice #JSPA #ErasmusPlusLV

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