Od 22.-25. listopada u Splitu je održan 35. FICE International svjetski kongres pod nazivom “Kvaliteta usluga skrbi djece i mladih: Ulaganje u budućnost”.
35. svjetski kongres FICE International u Splitu bio je uistinu impresivni kongres, bolje reći okupljanje fokusirano na djecu i mlade iz skrbi, ispunjen s različitim plenarnim predavanjima, paralelnim sesijama, okruglim stolovima, radionicama, sajmom socijalnih usluga, programom za mlade, terenskim posjetima, raspravama ali i trenucima marljivog zajedničkog rada za potrebite, kroz dijalog i otvorenog srca. Uživali smo u zajedničkom vremenu, zajedništvu i rastu. U tri dana kongresa dobili smo snažne uvide od stručnjaka na tom području, otvorile su se nove mogućnosti umrežavanja, vodile sesije o najboljim praksama i inovacijama u zaštiti i skrbi za djecu. Najvažnije je da je ovaj kongres po prvi put bio izrazito usmjeren na mlade iz skrbi, a i stručnjake s iskustvom u skrbi te smo uistinu zahvalni na njihovim uvidima i iskustvima.
Hvala svima koji su nas podržali u organiziranju ovog kongresa, te svima koji su sudjelovali na kongresu i doprinijeli razmjeni znanja i iskustva u području alternativne skrbi za djecu i mlade!
Više detalja o FICE35 kongresu, kao i fotografije možete pronaći na web stranici i društvenim mrežama kongresa: https://fice35.com/world-congress/
The 35th FICE International Congress was held in Croatia!
From 22.-25. In October, the 35th FICE International World Congress was held in Split under the title “SHAPING TOMORROW’S CARE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH:
Quality and innovation in alternative care”.
The FICE International Congress in Split was such a powerful gathering focused on child welfare and social work for the ones that need us the most, featuring various presentations, key lectures, round tables, workshops, social service market, youth program, field visits, discussions and while working hard with open heart and just enjoying time together in unity and growth.
In three days of congress we got powerful insights from experts in the field, networking opportunities, sessions on best practices and innovations in child protection and care.
Most important this congress was for the first time extremly focused on Care experienced expert group and their insights and experience.
Thank you to everyone who supported us in organizing this congress, and to everyone who participated in the congress and contributed to the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of alternative care for children and youth!
More information about congress and photos you can find on website and social media of congress: https://fice35.com/world-congress/.